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Bolton by Bowland

C.E. Primary School

Belong Believe Blossom

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The Governing Body

What do governors do?


Our Governors at Bolton By Bowland C.E. Primary School play an active part in the life of our school.  Together with the Headteacher, the governors are responsible for the running of the school whilst ensuring it is constantly developing and moving forward to meet the needs of our children.  We ensure that our school provides a high quality education to raise the standards of our children's learning.  


As a Governing Body we operate to some key principles:

1) Strategic vision and leadership - Work alongside and support the school, children, parents and local community to identify a strategic plan to raise standards and provision.

2) Ethos and values - Ensure the school provides a high quality education for all its pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and deciding how our school can encourage pupils' spiritual, moral and cultural development. 

3) Holding the Head Teacher to account and performance management - Providing not only challenge to the Headteacher but also support and advice to ensure teaching and learning remains consistently high.  

4) Ensuring financial value - Working with the school to create a spending plan to support the school's main objectives, ensuring budgets are spent effectively, allowing them to benefit the children's learning. 


How does the Governing Body carry out their role?


The Headteacher has responsibility for the internal organisation, management and control of the school. The Governors are not expected to make detailed decisions about the day-to-day management of the school. However, the Headteacher is expected to discuss all important aspects of the school with the Governing Body acting as a ‘critical friend’, offering support and constructive advice. 


If you wish to contact the governing body then please use the email -


Structure of the Governing Body


Mrs Jeanne Bishop (Also Chair of the Standards and Effectiveness Committee)

Executive Headteacher:

Mrs Joanne Abram

Standards and Effectiveness Committee                                          Resources Committee

Headteacher                                                                                      Headteacher

Mrs Jeanne Bishop - Chair                                                                Mrs Jeanne Bishop

Mrs Lucy Jackson - Foundation Governor                                         Mr Michael Dakin - Chair

Mrs Emily Mannifield - Staff Governor                                               Mrs Susan Whitaker - Foundation Governor

Mrs Nichola Craddock - Foundation Governor                                  Mr Tarun Sharma - Parent Governor                                                                                                                                Mrs Fiona Booth - Parent Governor     

                                                                                                            Mrs Julie Gradwell - Foundation Governor

                                                                                                            Rector Mark Williams - Ex-Officio

