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Bolton by Bowland

C.E. Primary School

Belong Believe Blossom

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Reward Systems

Values Badges

Each half term we select one of our Christian Values. This becomes the focus of Worship, expected behaviour in school and the weekly Values Badge Award. One child from Class 1 (EYFS/KS1) and one from Class 2 (KS2) is nominated by the other children and members of staff.  



Class Dojo



Dojo points are awarded when a child does what Christians are expected to do - the right things - things that Jesus would do.


At the end of the week, these points are totalled and the winner from Class 1 (EYFS/KS1) and Class 2 (KS2)  each receive a certificate in Friday's merit assembly.  


The weekly totals are calculated until the children reach milestones to win their bronze, silver, gold and diamond badges. Parents are invited in to see these badges awarded. 



In addition to this, all the children are divided in to 3 teams - B by Badgers, B by Bats and B by Beavers. Their individual points are combined to create a team total.

The team with the most at the end of each term can select their own prize. This could be an additional PE enrichment session, a non uniform day or a movie afternoon.


Termly awards 

Each term trophies are awarded for those children who have made the most progress in Reading, Writing and Maths and a Sports Trophy for the child who makes significant contributions to their PE lessons.  


