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Bolton by Bowland

C.E. Primary School

Belong Believe Blossom

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British Values

In addition to our school gospel values, and in line with the DfE’s expectation that schools “promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”, children at Bolton by Bowland Primary School also experience:


Democracy – Every pupil in the school votes for their School council representative each year. The school council then meets termly with Mrs Towler to discuss ideas for lesson, activities, resources and charity work. Children are regularly involved in the decision making process. Examples include being invited to take part in the school development planning day, reviewing the school mission statement, designing play areas in the school and choosing a half-termly topic to study.


The Rule of Law – children are all aware of the school rules, they learn, through these, about rights and responsibilities, and understand why rules are in place and that the breaking of rules has consequences


Individual Liberty – linked to one of our core values (independence).

All of our pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Through PSHE and RE children also learn about the importance of making sensible choices and the effects choices can have on their lives and the lives of others.


Mutual Respect – this is linked to our key school values and is reinforced throughout school by the way children and staff treat each other, within school, and within the wider community.


Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs – this is linked to one of our core school values (belief).

Children learn about other faiths regularly through RE and PSHE. As a school we actively look for ways to enhance children’s understanding and tolerance of others, such as by inviting visitors of other faiths into school and developing a programme of visits to other places of worship.


We appreciate that our children experience what could be described as a ‘monoculture’ in this school, and consequently we ensure that our children are exposed to other faiths and cultures on a regular basis.
