
School Logo

Welcome to

Bolton by Bowland

C.E. Primary School

Belong Believe Blossom

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At Bolton-by-Bowland, all of our children are given the necessary tools and skills to flourish as innovative designers.


We are confident, creative and enthusiastic designers, inventors and evaluators. We can use a range of skills to create a diverse array of products to a specified design brief. We can evaluate our work and that of others with confidence at each phase of the design process and make accurate and appropriate adaptations. We can discuss our thought processes and use subject-specific vocabulary to explain our work.


At Bolton-by-Bowland, we assess the progression and attainment of our children by marking against National Curriculum objectives, Lancashire Planning KLIPS and Kapow overviews. We ensure all children have the chance to succeed in each project by providing them with thought-provoking and meaningful tasks.


