At Bolton-by-Bowland, all of our children gain a passion and deep understanding of mathematics and how it links to everyday life.
We are confident, enthusiastic and determined mathematicians who can recall prior learning to further aide our current learning. We are able to use key mathematical vocabulary accurately and appropriately. We are able to reason mathematically and use our rapid recall of mental maths skills to support our learning. We ask questions to support our journey as mathematicians and we all work in an environment that promotes a love of maths and key life skills.
At Bolton-by-Bowland, we use a range of formative and summative assessments to assess the impact of our mathematics curriculum and determine the progress and attainment of the children in our care.
Examples of this are:
- Live marking and questioning during lessons to gauge understanding
- Verbal and written feedback
- End of unit assessments at the end of each block of learning
- Use of termly NFER assessments
- Moderation of work through book looks
- Pupil Voice
- Reports to parents