Friends of Bolton by Bowland School - FOBBS
We are extremely fortunate to have an active, friendly group of parents, friends and relatives who make up our FOBBS, Friends of Bolton by Bowland School, team. FOBBS is a fantastic link between home and school, bringing parents, staff and friends together to support a common goal.
The FOBBS team organises numerous exciting events such as school discos, Christmas fairs, film nights, barbeques, Easter crafts and many many more. All the funds raised are used to provide additional support and opportunities for our children ranging from school trips to guided reading books to the outdoor provision - we are always happy to help.
We are always looking to extend our FOBBS team by warmly welcoming new members and their new ideas. The atmosphere is very friendly so why not get involved, make new friends and make a difference to our children's school experience. .